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Purpose of sentiment_order​

The sentiment_order field is designed to control the display order of sentiment-based answers in a survey, aligning with the CSAT2 and CSAT3 scales. This helps survey administrators and analysts present data in a way that is both intuitive and aligned with the analytical objectives, making the results easier to understand and interpret.

How sentiment_order Works​

The sentiment_order field affects the arrangement of answer options based on their sentiment scores—essentially how positive or negative the sentiment is perceived.

Field: sentiment_order​

  • Type: String
  • Nullable: Yes
  • Allowed Values: asc, desc
  • Default Value: desc for CSAT2 and CSAT3 scale questions otherwise null

Ascending Order (asc)​

  • Description: Answers are sorted by sentiment score from the lowest (most negative) to the highest (most positive).
  • Use Case: Useful for visualizing improvement areas or emphasizing negative feedback in results presentations.
  • Example:
    • Bad (Score: 1)
    • Neutral (Score: 2)
    • Good (Score: 3)

Descending Order (desc)​

  • Description: Answers are sorted by sentiment score from the highest (most positive) to the lowest (most negative).
  • Use Case: Ideal for highlighting positive feedback or showcasing top strengths in survey reports.
  • Example:
    • Good (Score: 3)
    • Neutral (Score: 2)
    • Bad (Score: 1)


Important Announcement

We are pleased to announce a significant step in our migration strategy, set to begin on March 27, 2024. In our continuous effort to enhance and streamline the feedback collection process, we have introduced a new temporary attribute, is_legacy_comment, to the QuestionObject via the NiceReply API.

What Does This Change Mean?

Our primary objective is to migrate existing comments from the responses section into the Answers section as an "Open ended answer" type question.

Next Steps in Migration

In the forthcoming phase of migration, we will broaden the list of answers in the API endpoints to include a "comment answer" item, and the comment field will be designated as legacy. Consequently, each existing response that included a comment will be transferred to answers as an "Open ended answer," preserving all original parameters, including the question title. The is_legacy_comment attribute will facilitate easy identification of which answer corresponds to an old comment during the migration process. After a certain period, our plan is to completely eliminate the comment field and the is_legacy_comment.

Benefits of These Changes

This migration is aimed at providing enhanced flexibility in managing survey questions. You will be able to hide a question, designate it as required, or modify its sequence within the survey. These modifications are intended to elevate the quality and efficiency of the data collection and analysis procedures. We regard this step as crucial in our pursuit of continuous improvement and innovation in the services we offer. We are confident that these changes will lead to a superior user experience and increased efficiency of your surveys.

We express our gratitude for your continued support and cooperation in this migration endeavor.

⏱️ Transition Period Timeline:

March 27, 2024

  • Updated Fields:

May 13, 2024

  • Deprecated Endpoints:
  • Updated Fields:
    • comment in the Resource fields will be deprecated
    • is_legacy_comment in the Question object will be deprecated
    • comment in the Create response endpoints will be deprecated, you can create a “comment” with the Answer object
  • Added values:
    • comment value will be the part of the Answer object – it is the migrated comment value
    • a new question as the migrated comment to the Question object

July 15, 2024

Greetings to our dedicated community!

We're excited to introduce our new API, a testament to our commitment to rapid innovation and adaptability.

Key Highlights:

  • Actively Under Development: Our API isn't static. We're in constant development mode, introducing improvements, features, and refinements.

  • Unversioned Approach: Unlike traditional APIs, ours is not versioned. This ensures you're always accessing the latest, without the need to switch between versions. However, this also means features might evolve rapidly.

  • Stay Updated: Given its dynamic nature, we recommend users to stay closely tuned to our updates and regularly check our documentation to ensure smooth integration.

About the Legacy API:

For those still integrated with our old API, rest assured it will remain available at least till March 2024. Need to refer back? The documentation for it can be found here.

Your Feedback Matters:

As we shape this API, your feedback is invaluable. Dive in, explore, and let us know how you experience it. Your insights guide our journey.