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In the event of an error, the response will contain an errors field. This field is an array detailing all errors alongside their corresponding HTTP status codes.

HTTP Status CodeDescription
400 Bad RequestValidation error, incorrect JSON syntax, etc.
401 UnauthorizedIncorrect or missing basic authentication.
402 Payment RequiredService has ended trial or hasn't been paid for.
404 Not FoundResource or route is not found.
409 ConflictThe requested state conflicts with its current state.
422 Unprocessable EntityThe request is valid, but it may contain invalid values or an inappropriate state.
429 Too Many RequestsRate limits have been exceeded (currently no set limits).
500 Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected error occurred.
An example of an error response
"errors": [
"Validation error in queryParameters[per_page]: This value should be 100 or less.",
"Validation error in queryParameters[page]: This value should be a valid number.",
"Validation error in requestBody[survey_id]: This field is missing."